Friday, January 9, 2015

Once Upon a Time...

Once upon a time, I was a naïve toddler with an affinity for all things Disney. Like many young girls, I endured the classic "refuse-to-wear-anything-but-dresses" stage in an attempt to be more like my beloved Disney princesses. I spent countless nights popping a VHS tape from my bounteous collection of Disney classics into the VCR. My innocent eyes were fixated on the screen as I watched my favorite characters come to life in a blend of brilliant color and music. I was captivated by the magic of Disney.

Fast-forward a dozen years and not much has changed. While, unfortunately, my dreams of becoming a Disney princess were shattered, my infatuation with Disney has not died down. The Decoding Disney course seemed like it would be an extremely unique experience in which I could improve my writing while engaging with such a relatable topic. When (shout out to the gods of ACES) a new section of the course magically appeared online, I felt that my fairytale was falling into place and, needless to say, enrolled immediately.

I look forward to studying the evolution of Disney throughout the years. By this I mean both the technological improvements and the conceptual changes. In comparing the Disney classic Cinderella to the newest hit Frozen, it’s clear that Frozen has more advanced graphics, as well as a more modern idea of women being able to help themselves. I also am excited about discovering different perspectives on Disney, especially those that I would have never considered. I anticipate that there will be classmates that agree with my beliefs about Disney, as well as those who have an entirely different view. I hope that our varied opinions will lead to rich discussion and debate.  

This course parallels the transition from childhood to adulthood that college is all about. I am excited to turn my childhood passion for Disney into a complex and debate-provoking matter. As this course takes us on a journey of exploring and analyzing the world of Disney, I look forward to finding out what lies beyond the happily ever after.

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